

Political correctness gone mad

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Political correctness gone mad

TypePad Blogs, Wednesday 9 January 2008 at 18:59:34

The Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas baby has long been home to the great and good of the gadget world....

The Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas baby has long been home to the great and good of the gadget world. Every year these peddlers of IT trash wheel out the latest in outlandishly weird techno gifts for the assembled mob to 'ooh' and 'ah' and 'dang that rocks man' over. But tasteless hit new lows this week with the launch of the so-called iTaser. Yes, it's a taser with built in MP3 player and headphones. Have a hankering to severely cripple someone for a few minutes, potentially a lifetime, while listening to your favourite music? Then this is the gadget for you. Sold by Taser International, this must-have item for the law enforcer with his finger on the musical pulse is designed 'for both personal protection and personal music for people on the go'. And it's even produced for the female sadist - or John Waters fan - with red, pink and leapord skin designs all available. Nice. The Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas baby has long been home to the great and good of the gadget world....

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