

Venturer $200 HD DVD player goes on sale

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Venturer $200 HD DVD player goes on sale
At the beginning of this month Toshiba and Wal-Mart have offered the HD DVD-ready HD-A2 player for only $99 so what makes a $200 product so special? First of all, it's made by Venturer, a company that's probably not as in love with HD DVD as its maker, Toshiba. Second, Toshiba's HD-A2 was available for only $99 because of a promotion and is now selling for $247 making it the second cheapest player around as $199.98 is the 'right price' and it is that of Venturer's SHD7000 player. The cheapo SHD7000 has specs similar to those of the HD-A2 which include 1080i output, 5.1 HD channel audio and HDMI. Venturer's player can now be purchased in the US from Wal-Mart.